Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dear 2012:

Dear 2012,

I have some big plans for you!

Step One: Juice based diet! Finally ordered a juicer and starting next week I will have a whole new diet! I can't wait to reap the benefits of a fruit and veggie based diet. I've been looking at a lot of different diet plans and I think I will be settling on the juice + meal plan...meaning I still eat dinner (mind you it will have to be a balanced, fresh, healthy meal) I may try the juice fast just as a cleanse, but I can't picture living purely on juice...I think I would miss chewing!

Step Two: Seriously put my dog treat/food making skills to use and try to come up with a legit product that I could market and maybe make a few bucks off! It may just be more of a hobby, but I have to admit I LOVE baking/cooking for Zoe...and it was so awesome to be able to share some treats with my family and friends for their loved K9 friends.

Step Three: Promote the crap outta my boyfriend...he is such a talented artist, and he does well already with his shows here in Portland...but I would LOVE to really get his work out there online and in other cities. We finally put together an Etsy account for him this month, and I'm really trying to stay on top of his blog...slowly but surely fine tuning the little things that make a big difference!

Step Four: Thanks to Pinterest I have been more inspired in the last month that I have been in a few years, and for that I am very grateful! I think my last goal for this year is going to be to take some of the things I've made, or been really inspired by and share them here with all of you.

Sounds simple enough right?! Lets just hope I can stay motivated...

<3 jules

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