Wednesday, January 7, 2009

..and a pocket full of mixed emotions

and the countdown begins....

okay, let's not kid ourselves i've been counting down the days for months now...

2 weeks from today i'll be flying somewhere over the atlantic on my way to England.

I'm used to being a fairly level headed, unemotional person for the most part. But the past few days especially my emotions have been about as random as my choice in music lately..think Lil Wayne to Fleet Foxes and everything in between. I suppose the intense highs and lows are to be expected...afterall this is no small change I'm about to make...yet for some reason i still find myself suprised at just how torn i am.

2 weeks til I see my matthew and all his amazing friends, people I grew incredibly close to in such a short period of time it still blows my mind. I can't wait to go sit in the pub and catch up with them all....8 months is far too long! and yet, leaving means saying goodbye to my parents and a few amazing friends here. have i mentioned how much i HATE goodbyes!!! Even if it's just for 4 months...that doesn't sound so bad, right? (i'm trying really hard to convince myself it's not very long at all...i'm not sure it's working!) I'm incredibly excited for my next adventure, and to see what God has in store for me in York! But I'm just not looking forward to leaving the Tri behind. Odd right? for so long getting out of here seemed like the best solution to every problem. But I truly have become a homebody...

thank goodness for the internet though...hopefully between email, skype and facebook i'll be able to keep up with everyone back home often enough that i won't feel like i've lost touch at all!

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